Friday, July 15, 2016

Terror & Barbarism in Orlando and Nice

Once again Islam and Muslims have a suffered another severe setback in our quest to correct the misconceptions associated with us and our beliefs.

A warped mind with an agenda of hate and an insane desire to get even with the society which he thought was antagonistic to him and his belief, committed a most heinous and inhuman act of murder and mayhem. His actions indicated that he wanted to gain some notoriety and best way to do this would be to mention his link with Insipid State's Ignorant Society (ISIS). 

We have to be more vigilant than yesterday in demonstrating who we are and what we believe. We have to be more proactive and vocally effective in our efforts to propagate and disseminate the truth about Islam and Muslims. Saying Allah u Akbar, having a beard, dressing like an Arab or Pakistani, in a gown, walking with beads, wearing a Hijab, does not make one a Muslim.

The most important aspect of this quest is to try to correct and change the rhetoric of the press and media. We have to use all the resources, influence, press and social media access available to us to effectively bring about this change, imminently.

We now have to become more sensitive aware of our surroundings and communities. Without being paranoid, we have to be vigilant in becoming aware of the signs, actions, rhetoric and behavior patterns that can lead to or result in actions that cause harm to us, our families and communities.

For those who are here, know that this is America, not Pakistan, Arabia or the Middle East. America as it is, was founded by immigrants who came from other lands, seeking a better life. They were Christians and as such based their principles and laws on Christianity. This served their purpose well in that they were able to eventually set up a society base on the rule of a just law, ethics, morality, freedoms permitting peaceful coexistence and improving lifestyles among its citizens. It permits those who wish to share such values and living standards the opportunity of coming here to be part of the society not to be “apart from society”. You are expected to accept the norms, laws, ethics, behavior, and standards of the society. Your customs, practices and traditions are your personal affairs and should be observed without causing disruption, discord or disharmony to the society at large. If this is not possible, then you ought to return to where you will be comfortable and at ease. Do not try to make America the place from whence you fled. It is madness to try to create the conditions you chose to leave.

We have to make it known that there are primitive, demonic, satanic and barbarous cults whose mission statement is to cause mayhem, destruction of lives and properties, instill fear and discomfort in the hearts and minds of those who do not subscribe to their warped and evil ideology. These evil cults are headed by evil leaders who has the ability and resources to influence the minds of the fickle and ignorant. They use their warped and ill intentioned interpretation of Al Qu'ran, willfully, to misled the ill informed and those looking for a common enemy.

We have to get the message out about such groups and individuals who are committing crimes against humanity. We have to let it be known, loudly and clearly, that these barbarians are not Muslims and their religion is not Islam. We have to get the press and media to stop fighting their barbaric cause, giving them free publicity and instead letting them know  that that their agenda, actions, rhetoric, teachings are completely contradictory to the teachings and principles as enunciated in the Holy Qur’an. Their way of life, their norms and standards are not that of Muslims. 


To my brother and sister Americans, do not be afraid of the word “SHURA”. For most certainly, thank God, our Laws and Constitution are based on “Shura”.

Shura od Shoora - Definition

1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a consultative council or assembly
2. (Islam) a consultative council or assembly
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the process of decision-making by consultation and deliberation
4. (Islam) the process of decision-making by consultation and deliberation
[from Arabic shūrā, literally: consultation]

This the most important message we have to disseminate to those  non-Muslims who are ignorant of the truth of Islam and Muslims.

The press, media and social media are the most important and effective tools to correct the misconceptions about Islam and Muslims.

I hope and prayer that, sooner than later, we will be able to start moving in this direction of  establishing truth, IA.

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