Thursday, September 27, 2012

ISIS - Insipid State's Ignorant Society - Fuelled by hate and barbarity

Hate mongering is the new trend used to gain popularity, recognition and fame. We have become so fickle and shallow that anyone who can find the means to produce and disseminate hate and evil will instantly get an audience, following and willing and eager patrons to serve and propagate their cause, regardless of their evil motives or destructiveness. This is clearly demonstrated in the events currently unfolding regarding the Reactions that have rewarded their evil actions with the results they desired. To some it will appear that the reactions are giving credence to their claims. When will we learn?

Ignorance is among the greatest of sins. Ignorance is a very powerful dogma which encompasses religion and destroys its principles, laws and guidance. Hence when a people adopt a dogma for their religion they react in very irrational, destructive and self effacing ways, causing death, and mayhem.

May the Peace (Salam) and Blessings of Almighty God (Allah) be with the righteous, the doers of good deeds, the wise and intelligent, the seekers of peace (Islam), the God (Allah) conscious, those who stand for justice, honesty, freedom, those who are considerate, those who protect the elderly, women, children, ill and infirm, those who do not destroy other peoples' properties, livelihood, schools, hospitals and places of asylum, those who permit the freedom of speech, religion, opinion, those who respect the religious beliefs of others, those who respect the places of worship of others and caretakers of such, those who do not destroy infrastructure and vegetation, those who are good, kind, considerate, tolerant, patient and understanding, those who protect and serve and the upholders of peace (salaam) and stability.

It is imperative that the following terms be understood, categorically:

Allah: The Arabic word for the One and Only Almighty God. The word used in the Arabic editions of the Holy Bible.
Islam:  Peace, through voluntary submission to God Almighty.
Muslim: One who submits to the will of God Almighty.
Idiots: Someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way.
Savage: Wild, uncivilized, barbaric, ferocious, crude, vicious, destructive to property and society, unthinking and ignorant.

The reason for clarifying the words above is so that the reader will appreciate the behavior of the misguided and put things in perspective. From the above it is abundantly clear that there is a clear and unambiguous difference between those who purport to be "Muslims" and  those are not acting as Muslims ought to behave. It is also very clear whose Religion is Islam and whose are not. It is also clear the leaders of those taking innocent lives and causing wanton damage and destruction are not following the laws and principles of Islam nor are they acting as Muslims.

My dear civilized brothers and sisters, the above describes the attributes and qualities of everyone who believes in Almighty God (Allah) and who have adopted civilized values in this society. 
As Muslims, we believe that everyone has the God given right of freedom of thought, religion and speech. We have to respect everyone's thought process and religious beliefs; we have to respect their places of worship and the caretakers of their religions and places of worship. This is not an adjunct to our belief system but an integral and specific commandment of Islam. 

It is unfortunate and sad when idiots and those with twisted minds, full of hate, can control, negatively, the behavior and actions of so many people. Those whose actions or words lead others to destructive and irrational behavior is the stronger of the two and is in fact controlling those who react. Little do they know that they are like pawns in their hands.

You cannot defend a religion, cause or philosophy by breaking or negating the laws, rules and principles of that which you are claiming to defend. That is madness and ignorance of the highest order.

It is also sad and unfortunate that in today's world of information and knowledge the "intelligent" and the "press and media” are still not aware of the meanings of some of the most used words in the news, "Allah", "Islam" and "Muslims". Or, they know and are feigning ignorance. Every single day the news mention Islamist (Peaceful) terrorist. A clear contradiction  in terminology. Whenever the press and media uses this term it reinforces the mission of those hate groups. But if the press and media refrains from describing them as Islamist or Muslims then they will realize that there cause is not being propagated as they will like it to be and they will realize that their missions are losing their efficacy. This is one very effective way that the press and media can help to bring about peace.

I hope and pray that we will be able to bring about the much needed information and knowledge so that right and wrong, truth and falsehood, justice and injustice will be easily discernible and understood by most people, God Willing.

American Christian massacres cinema attendees

"American Christian massacres cinema attendees". This is how the headlines could have read describing the attack by James Holmes, 24, who opened fire on a crowded theater during the July 20 midnight showing of the latest Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises."

Lets project this news to a village at the foothills of the Himalayas. The message to them is that this is the behavior of Americans who are Christians, neither of which is true, although the fact is that James is an American and his name indicates that he is Christian. We know that this is not how Americans or Christians behave or act. However, if our brothers over there had the knowledge, information, education, access to these and were not blind followers of misguided and hateful leaders, they would have been able to discern what it means to be American and Christian. 

History has constantly reminded us how men who are hateful. misguided and have evil agendas can influence their followers and those blinded by ignorance and hate. We are again experiencing the results of such misguidance in the many "protests," demonstrations, self inflicted destruction and deaths as the result of a hate monger producing an insignificant and hardly viewed video about Muhammad, the one who brought a message called Islam meaning of which is Peace.

How ironical it is that those who purport to be reacting in defense of Muhammad and Islam is doing so in a manner that is contradictory to the teachings and principles of Muhammad and Islam. Freedom of speech, religion, worship and expression are inherent principles in the framework of Islam as it is in the American Constitution.

The destruction of property, vegetation, infrastructure, maiming of non-combatants, taking of lives are all against the principles of Islam. Those carrying such activities are therefore not acting in accordance with Islam's principles nor are they acting as Muslims aught to behave. 

Freedom of religion, thinking and belief as stated in Al Quran

One of the basic tenets of Islam is freedom of religion, thinking and belief as stated in Al Quran, 109:6 "Unto you, your religion, way of life, thinking and  belief, and unto me mine." It follows logically that this freedom will result in some form of expression by way of the written or spoken word, being the only forms of expression available formerly. Fortunately or unfortunately now there are so many other forms of expression and dissemination, but the same freedom applies. What make expressions of peoples of other beliefs than ours significant or effective is an audience, a readership, those looking for a means to stir up discord, those looking for means to leadership or fame, those looking for an excuse to vent feelings for one reason or the other. In the same manner that one has the right to publish, voice or video whatever they wish, it is our right and prerogative to pay attention, give recognition or heed such. The effectiveness, significance or awareness of such publication or broadcast is fully dependent on our desire and willingness to give it attention or credence. In other words the power is in our hands propagate it and let it live or to let it die. Its success or failure. awareness and longevity is solely in our hands. It is therefore the duty and responsibility of leaders, the intelligent, those with the ability to obtain information and its dissemination, those who desire peace and harmony to ensure that such knowledge and information is not used to inflame, incite or encourage discord, hate and disharmony. The former results in emotional and sentimental reactions resulting in self destruction, death, destruction of infrastructure and actions contradictory to the principles of the religion, Islam, they are claiming to be defend. The reactions, by way of the violent demonstration, destruction, maiming and killing are definitely not the teachings of Islam nor the actions of Muslims, who are following the laws and principles of Islam (Peace).

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Muslim Rage

"American Christian massacres cinema attendees". This is how the headlines could have read describing the attack by
James Holmes, 24, who opened fire on a crowded theater during the July 20 midnight showing of the latest Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises."
Lets project this news to a village at the foothills of the Himalayas. The message to them is that this is the behavior of Americans who are Christians, neither of which is true, although the fact is that James is an American and his name indicates that he is Christian. We know that this is not how Americans or Christians behave or act. However, if our brothers over there had the knowledge, information, education, access to these and were not blind followers of misguided and hateful leaders, they would have been able to discern what it means to be American and Christian.
History has constantly reminded us how men who are hateful. misguided and have evil agendas can influence their followers and those blinded by ignorance and hate. We are again experiencing the results of such misguidance in the many "protests," demonstrations, self inflicted destruction and deaths as the result of a hate monger producing an insignificant and hardly viewed video about Muhammad, the one who brought a message called Islam meaning of which is Peace.
How ironical it is that those who purport to be reacting in defense of Muhammad and Islam is doing so in a manner that is contradictory to the teachings and principles of Muhammad and Islam. Freedom of speech, religion, worship and expression are inherent principles in the framework of Islam as it is in the American Constitution.
The destruction of property, vegetation, infrastructure, maiming of non-combatants, taking of lives are all against the principles of Islam. Those carrying such activities are therefore not acting in accordance with Islam's principles nor are they acting as Muslims aught to.