Friday, November 15, 2013


Who are you? I am a Muslim. That is the only answer that is relevant to the question regarding your religious philosophy.
What is your religion? Islam. That is the only answer that is relevant to the question regarding your Religion.
Thereafter, everything concerning your interpretation, understanding, acceptance or non acceptance of norms customs, traditions, individuals or groups' viewpoints and beliefs, are matters between you and Allah, Almighty, Compassionate, Merciful, Forgiving.

The above, of course, is only relevant if we truly accept Al Quran as Allah SWT's final and unambiguous edict.

 2:256 There shall be no compulsion in religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in false deities and believes in Allah, He has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

109:6 "For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." (dīnukum)

The term "dinukum",( دِينِكُمْ) in its wider meaning signifies: how to live your life, philosophy of life, interpretation of the laws of your choice of religion, your way of life.

Allah SWT in His infinite Wisdom and Mercy have indicated the great benefit of following His guidance but have also given us the privilege of freedom of choice in the path, philosophy and religion we chose to follow

We, as human beings, creations of Allah SWT, have to make the best choice, sincerely and with the desire to abide by His Guidelines, to the best of our ability, knowledge and understanding. The final and only reckoning is with Allah SWT. Regardless of the choice one makes, one who has accepted Islam as his dīnihi (   دِينِهِ ), religion, has to act in accordance with its principal precept of  dīnihi , "Peace". The establishment, propagation and preservation of Peace becomes one of the principal objective for those who believe and accept:
  1. There is ONE God.
  2. There is One God and Muhammad is His final servant and messenger.
  3. Those who are not aggressive to 1 & 2 and do not prevent them from exercising their rights, duties and obligations.
Right and wrong have so many dimensions that only Allah SWT has the Wisdom and Ability to make its true and final determination. Hence His Ruling: "Your actions will be judged according to your intentions", and that knowledge is with Him alone.

If we were to follow the above guidelines we will begin to eliminate a lot of unnecessary divisiveness, disharmony, sectarianism, and clannish hatred.
All of which are in direct contradiction to the basic and fundamental tenet of the faith or dīnihi , which is Peace.

We should all therefore strive to live our lives in accordance with our chosen religious principles,dīnihi, to the best of our ability, sincerely, seeking God's pleasure.

May we be the instruments of peace, love, harmony, understanding, tolerances and appreciation in our family, community, society and wherever our influence extends.

May we:
Turn hate to love
Learn to forgive more
Replace ignorance with knowledge
Be considerate, understanding, tolerant and charitable
Always recognize all that Allah SWT Have Blessed us with 
Always be thankful and appreciative for that with which we were Blessed

With love and respect.
Allah Hafiz

Kamruzzaman Hosein
The Islamic Theosophical Society

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