Lets project this news to a village at the foothills of the Himalayas. The message to them is that this is the behavior of Americans who are Christians, neither of which is true, although the fact is that James is an American and his name indicates that he is Christian. We know that this is not how Americans or Christians behave or act. However, if our brothers over there had the knowledge, information, education, access to these and were not blind followers of misguided and hateful leaders, they would have been able to discern what it means to be American and Christian.
History has constantly reminded us how men who are hateful. misguided and have evil agendas can influence their followers and those blinded by ignorance and hate. We are again experiencing the results of such misguidance in the many "protests," demonstrations, self inflicted destruction and deaths as the result of a hate monger producing an insignificant and hardly viewed video about Muhammad, the one who brought a message called Islam meaning of which is Peace.
How ironical it is that those who purport to be reacting in defense of Muhammad and Islam is doing so in a manner that is contradictory to the teachings and principles of Muhammad and Islam. Freedom of speech, religion, worship and expression are inherent principles in the framework of Islam as it is in the American Constitution.
The destruction of property, vegetation, infrastructure, maiming of non-combatants, taking of lives are all against the principles of Islam. Those carrying such activities are therefore not acting in accordance with Islam's principles nor are they acting as Muslims aught to behave.
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