For an educated and intelligent woman, I am surprised at her apparent lack of understanding of Islam. She is very brave and a good promoter of herself. Such persons do make the limelight and get heard and those who don't know better accept their opinions as gospel. She refers to the behavior of those living in Muslims countries as Islam. Arabs that do stupid things are stupid Arabs. It has nothing to do with Islam. They may be acting in accordance with their customs or culture, which may not be in accordance with the principles of Islam.
To lay blame with the religion of Islam is folly. If the spirit of the laws of Islam is followed by "Muslims" then the world of non-Muslims will have have an entirely different opinion of us. Open mindedness is the keyword of Islam. freedom of thought and religion are fundamentals of the religion. Muhammad UWBP said in his last sermon "....let reason be your guide..." Islam permits people to agree to disagree. There is a reason why Islam disbanded the priesthood.
The reason why we are having all this controversy and Muslims being labeled terrorists is because we chose to reintroduce the priesthood. The Muslims who chose to remain blind intellectually, follow leaders who perpetuate their anger, ignorance, hatred, jealousy, stagnant thinking, backward culture and customs using Islam, Al Qu'ran and the Sunnah as representing the religion of Islam.
I am 99% percent certain that your views and opinions are the same as mine, a Muslim, if you are an honest, sincere and peace loving person. I am sure that your value system is the same as mine. I will be happy to compare notes.
To lay blame with the religion of Islam is folly. If the spirit of the laws of Islam is followed by "Muslims" then the world of non-Muslims will have have an entirely different opinion of us. Open mindedness is the keyword of Islam. freedom of thought and religion are fundamentals of the religion. Muhammad UWBP said in his last sermon "....let reason be your guide..." Islam permits people to agree to disagree. There is a reason why Islam disbanded the priesthood.
The reason why we are having all this controversy and Muslims being labeled terrorists is because we chose to reintroduce the priesthood. The Muslims who chose to remain blind intellectually, follow leaders who perpetuate their anger, ignorance, hatred, jealousy, stagnant thinking, backward culture and customs using Islam, Al Qu'ran and the Sunnah as representing the religion of Islam.
I am 99% percent certain that your views and opinions are the same as mine, a Muslim, if you are an honest, sincere and peace loving person. I am sure that your value system is the same as mine. I will be happy to compare notes.
There are no Islamic countries in the world today. People assume that the inhabitants of these countries are peace loving and are acting as Muslims. These are not "Islamic Countries", they are countries where the ignorant follow leaders acting under the guise of "Islam".
The killing of innocent non combatants, children, the aged, infirm, priests and women in war is wrong. So is the destruction of hospitals, schools, civilian homes, churches (All), vegetation and utilities. Whoever does these thing are not acting in accordance with Islam.
The killing of innocent non combatants, children, the aged, infirm, priests and women in war is wrong. So is the destruction of hospitals, schools, civilian homes, churches (All), vegetation and utilities. Whoever does these thing are not acting in accordance with Islam.
ASAK Kamruz Uncle!
The probs with folk who are between "identities" so to speak , is that they do not bring legitimacy into the discussion.
Also, perhaps because of her bias, everything she quotes from the Quran is quoted incorrectly or is incomplete.
Please note that in this article
, both sources, the Hadith and the Quran are distorted to make a vague point.
One can forgive poor understanding, but slovenly scholarship helps absolutely no one. Some points that such scholars/critics make that are valid,then will be ignored because their integrity is in question.
People should read this.
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