Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

My heart, along with everyone who has heard about the heinous massacre at Sandy Hook, grieves and is saddened by the devastating incident. Twenty young, innocent, beautiful potential leaders, teachers, parents, artists, writers, clergy, doctors, nurses, community workers, all robbed of their futures in the twinkling of an eye. In the place where such horror is least expected. A small, quiet, respectful, affluent, model community in the most advanced country in the world and supposedly most civilized. If it happened there and now, it can happen anywhere and anytime in this country. This is sad, disheartening and disappointing. Some of the requirements of being civilized and developed are as follows;
  • We have to learn from our past and mistakes.
  • We have to recognize and admit our faults and errors.
  • We have to be willing make changes and correct our faults.
  • We have to put aside pride, be humble and recognize the virtues and power of commonsense.
Because of our failure to observe the above, once again we have been shocked, saddened and grieved by a situation that is occurring too often. where least expected. We foolishly blame it on our wonderful Constitution. Regardless of how noble, well intentioned, simple and beautiful guidance is, by way of constitutions and scriptures, if not interpreted, applied and understood in the spirit and for the purposes for which they were presented or written, the wrong results will occur.

If a system is flawed in part, whatever results because of the flaw will continue until the flaw is fixed.I hope that they saying of Jesus Christ takes credence now: "Out of evil cometh good".

When we interpret the constitution's "right to bear arms", we have to consider the time, conditions, reasons and type of arms referred to. I am positively sure they were not referring the type of ammunition available now, nor the reasons for which they are now used and the mass murder they are capable of. It was also not expected that civilians will own or have available to them more destructive ammunition that the government forces. They never meant the right to bear a weapon that can murder twenty children and seven adults in three minutes.

I pray to God that better sense prevails and the powers that be follow the spirit and purpose of our Noble Constitution.