“The pen is mightier than the sword”. “The spoken word can cause wounds that run deep”.
The success of failure of Jone’s 911 – burning the Quran, attention getting stunt, lies completely in the hands of the Press and Media. This is a tool that can and will be used by Taliban and other hate and anti-Islamic groups throughout the world, as a reason to further engage in heinous, inhuman, anti-Islamic acts. Very simple is the solution. If the press and media stop reporting this event, it would immediately lose its efficacy and purpose. The success or failure of this stunt lies completely in the hands of the media and press. The safety of our troops and communities can be achieved if only those two mediums put aside the quest for profit and sensationalism for once in the name of peace, sanity and safety. This Jones and his diabolical stunt only got to this point because of reporting. Reporters have a responsibility to its audience, the nation and the safety of the community and world at large. I know that we have freedom of speech. But that freedom must be and should, be used for good and not for destruction. We are supposed to be intelligent and we certainly know before what emotion or reaction a story can and will evoke. This is one time where the press and media is in the driving seat, totally, and can create havoc or bring us back to the road of peace and understanding. I hope and pray that good sense and intentions prevail. May we be granted the intelligence, maturity, desire for peace and judgment to do what is necessary end this fiasco before it’s too late.
Kamruz Hosein
The Islamic Theosophical Society.