Can Christians Say 'Allah'? In Malaysia, Muslims Say No
Who gave those who claim to be Muslims the right over the Allah, Cherisher and Creator of all of mankind?
Allah: God of all the worlds and all therein
We believe that there is only One God, Allah. The acceptance of God, the desire to call or worship Allah is not a privilege for only Muslims. Allah is God of all the worlds and all contained therein. Allah is accessible to all who wishes call on Him, Praise Him, Worship Him, Adore Him, and Plead with Him or simply talk to him. Being created by Him qualifies you for this privilege. The message of all religions is to bring people to Almighty God, Allah. They were supposed to be simple messages until their messages and interpretations were contaminated by the human ego. No one has the authority or right to prevent anyone from addressing Almighty God, Allah, in fact, we should wish for everyone to address Allah so that their lives will be positively affected, thus making this world a more God (Allah) conscious one. One of our prime functions as Muslims is to invite our brothers and sisters Allah. We are supposed to do so in a manner that is encouraging, loving and peaceful. Remember, that as Muslims, whenever we do or say something in a manner to cause people to get a wrong impression of Allah, Muhammad SAW and Islam, we are doing a great disservice and wrong to that which we claim to believe in. We should all, therefore, hope and pray that everyone call on, prayer to, speak to, adore, worship or acknowledge Allah.
Remember that Muhammad, Servant and Messenger of Allah SWT requirement was to deliver the message of Islam, the acceptance or non-acceptance was not under his control. We therefore have to be aware of what are our functions and duties and don't try to change that which in Allah's master plan.
Let’s stop being divisive, especially in the Name of Allah. Let us stop complicating the message of Islam, despite Allah's repeated reference to it being simple and that its Book of Guidance is unambiguous and easy to understand and follow. Let us live by the spirit of the Message and the beautiful and perfect example of Muhammad, servant and messenger of Allah SWT and not by twisted interpretations of those who chose to lead us down the path of confusion and hate and away from Al Islam (Peace) in order to protect their status quo and perpetuate their own misinterpretations.
May we be rightly guided along the path peace, understanding, love, harmony, intelligence ie. The path of Al Islam
There is but one Allah (God), accessible and welcoming to all of mankind.